Please read our refund policy carefully before applying for refund. This refund policy helps you to better understand how refund process will work.

1. We reserve right to cancel or reschedule LIVE TRAINING COURSE due to many reasons like insufficient registration , speaker unavailability on scheduled date or circumstances beyond its control.

2. In above mentioned case, we will notify  all the attendees’ about cancellation or rescheduling of live online training course before 1-2 days of the live training course.

3. If any training course is cancelled by Consult Compliance, we will refund full amount of all attendees or we give them a choice to take alternative live online training course. It always remains customer decision.

4. Substitutions are allowed, if customer face unavailability on scheduled date, he/she can substitute any of his/her colleagues.

Refunds will not be processed in following cases mentioned below:

  1. There will be no refund if you miss the live online training course.
  2. If you leave on going session in between after log in.
  3. If you faces any technical issue at your end or don’t receive the live online training course instructions joining link due to e-mail bounce/firewall protection.
  4. Always provide an alternative email to prevent from third point.
  5. No refunds will be available on  recorded version of training courses.

If you need Complete explanation on refund and cancellation, feel free to reach us at support email (

We may update these Terms to clarify our practices or to reflect new or different practices (such as when we add new features).  Consult Compliance  reserves the right in its sole discretion to modify and/or make changes to these Terms at any time.

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